French Paradox
It’s been a while
The cloned piggies are back in the news, and, like we suspected, they are good for you.
In what appears to be an effort to save Omega-3 rich fish from over-harvesting, geneticists have spliced a gene that makes “good” fat from a tiny, bacteriovorous soil nematode called Caenorhabditis elegans, into the nucleus of a fetal pig cell. The result is a healthier slab of bacon: Pork meat that is more Omega-3 and less Omega-6. Mmmmm.
The other other white meat
I love the concession that “…no one knows what their meat tastes like…” How long before we find out? “Hmmm, it’s a bit like pork, but with a piquant undertone of worm... Tastes like chicken.”
The cloned piggies are back in the news, and, like we suspected, they are good for you.
In what appears to be an effort to save Omega-3 rich fish from over-harvesting, geneticists have spliced a gene that makes “good” fat from a tiny, bacteriovorous soil nematode called Caenorhabditis elegans, into the nucleus of a fetal pig cell. The result is a healthier slab of bacon: Pork meat that is more Omega-3 and less Omega-6. Mmmmm.
The other other white meat
I love the concession that “…no one knows what their meat tastes like…” How long before we find out? “Hmmm, it’s a bit like pork, but with a piquant undertone of worm... Tastes like chicken.”
Haha I have no idea what these omegas are, but I guess they're moving them in a better direction. ;)
Nice piggies. I think they are very tasty :)
Seems like cloning works well!
------------------------------- - political forum
im really quite surprised that cloned pigs are good for you...isnt pig of any form cloned or not cloned bad for you...the fat from a pig is the worst kind of meat out there..everyone knows accurate is this information and who posted this blog..there is no factual evidence or the fda approving this
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